According to UFO Magazine (March/April 1996) there have been more than 2,000 reported cases of animal mutilations in Puerto Rico in the last two years. Claims are being made, especially by one Jorge Martin, that an animal unknown to science is systemically killing the animals. Locals call the creature Chupacabras, 'goat sucker'. The authorities, of course, maintain that the deaths are due to attacks from groups of stray dogs or other exotic animals, such as the panther, illegally introduced in the island's territory. The director of Puerto Rico's Department of Agriculture Veterinary Services Division, Hector Garcia, has stated that there is nothing unusual or extraordinary about the cases they've observed. One veterinarian said that "it could be a human being who belongs to a religious sect, even another animal. It could also be someone who wants to make fun out of the Puerto Rican people."
But Martin and other UFOlogists think otherwise. The wounds, they say, are extraordinary and reveal that we are not dealing with an ordinary predator/carnivore species known to science. Furthermore, there is a massive government conspiracy to keep the truth hidden from the people, probably to prevent panic. For if the people of Puerto Rico discovered the real truth they would know that aliens are behind it all. Yes, it can now be revealed that the Chupacabras is an Anomalous Biological Entity [ABE],
It is reportedly a cross between a creature known as a 'Grey' alien humanoid, mainly because the shape of its head and eyes, and what most witnesses describe as the body of a bipedal, erect dinosaur, but with no tail. Its head is oval in shape and has an elongated jaw. Two elongated red eyes have been reported, together with small holes in the nostril area, a small slit-like mouth with fang-type teeth protruding upwards and downwards from the jaw. Other witnesses have seen small pointed-ears, but this feature has not been seen by other witnesses. It appears to have strong course hair all over its body; and whilst most observers claim the hair is black, it has the remarkable ability to change colours at will, almost like a chameleon.In the dark, it will change to black or a deep brown colour - in a sunlit area surrounded by vegetation, it changes to green, green-grey, light brown or beige. The creature has two small arms with a three-fingered clawed hand and two strong hind legs, again with three claws. This appears to enable it to run quickly and leap over trees (!) - some witnesses allege over twenty feet in a single bound. According to many observations, the creature's legs look almost reptilian or goat-like.
It has quill-like appendages running down from its back, with what seem to be fleshy membranes that change colour from blue to green, red to purple etc. A number of witnesses claim the creature flaps (at incredible speed) its tail and appendages, allowing it to actually fly(!). The tail apparently is used to guide its flight only - controlled mainly by the winds - only occasionally seen to flap.
You would think that such a creature could hardly remain hidden from the people of Puerto Rico, no matter what the authorities did to conceal this ABE. Furthermore, the President of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives Agricultural Commission, Mr Juan E.[Kike] Lopez, has introduced a resolution asking for an official investigation to clarify the situation. Not your typical move in a government conspiracy. Still, the UFOers claim that the governement has captured two of the creatures. No doubt there will soon be a film on the ABE autopsy! Of course they have been taken to the United States. Proof of this is evident since U.S. officials deny it. Further proof of the conspiracy of silence is evidenced by the fact that the mass media have not reported this. It is obvious that UFOs are involved. However, just to be safe and not exclude other reasonable possibilities, it must be remembered that
The ABEs can also be the product of highly sophisticated genetic manipulations by human agencies. A Chinese-Russian scientist by the name of Dr. Tsian Kanchen, has produced genetic manipulations which have created new species of electronically-crossed plant and animal organisms. Kanchen developed an electronic system whereby he can pick up the bioenergetic field of the DNA of living organisms and transfer it electronically to other living organisms. By these means he has created incredible new breeds of ducks/chickens, with physical characteristics of both species; goats/rabbits, and new breeds of plants such as corn/wheat, peanut/sunflower seeds and cucumber/watermelons. These are produced by linking the genetic data of different living organisms contained in their bioenergetic fields by means of ultra-high frequencies biological linking. If the Russians have created this technology, then without doubt the US and other powers have too. Therefore, it is quite possible that the "Chupacabras" or ABEs could have been developed by humans.
The logic is impeccable. How could anyone dare to doubt it? But wait, this story gets even better. The UFOer claim that a chupacabras has been killed and blood tests have been done on the creature.
The genetic analysis so far has revealed that the blood is in no way compatible with human blood nor with any animal species known to science. The traces ratio of magnesium, phosphorous, calcium and postassium are incompatible with those of normal human blood, they are much too high. The albumen/glouline [RG ratio] was also incompatible. The ratios found do not allow the results of the analyis to be compatible with those of any known animal species.At present, we can't place the sample with any earthly organism. Therefore it could well be the product of a highly sophisticated genetic manipulation, an organism alien to our own enviroment or perhaps extraterrestrial.
So if it is not a genetic experiment gone awry, it could well be an alien animal! The seriousness of the situation is most poignantly revealed, however, when it was claimed that a crew from Inside Edition ridiculed the Mayor of Canavanas, a witness to the chupacabras, and basically made fun of the the whole idea. When a fine journalistic enterprise like Inside Edition makes fun of an idea, you know there is a government conpiracy to cover up the truth!
Finally, leaving no stone unturned in their neverending quest for truth, the UFOers note that the ABE could be type of dinosaur, possibly unknown to man.
See related entry on cattle mutilations.
further reading